1942 Flag Raising and Dedication Service
In 1942, a patriotic flag dedication/raising event was held at Tolentine and included the participation of Mayor Fiorello H. La Guardia. A program from this event was sent to us from a family whose relatives were Tolentine parishioners years ago. We scanned the program and you can view it as a flip book (see below). When you scroll down, keep your cursor to the far right so you will be able to scroll down far enough. Otherwise, the cursor will only enlarge the book, not allowing you to scroll down far enough. If you need to enlarge a page, you may do so by clicking on the magnifying glass + or – just below the book. If you are viewing on a cellphone, the flip book is best viewed with the phone held horizontally.
You will notice the doors on the left and right of the front of the church are not present in this 1942 picture. The only doors at that time are in the center, and to the left and right are stained glass Trinity windows.