Sacramental Records

If you would like to request Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation, or Marriage certificates, please fill out the form below. Be sure to check the security box at the end of the form. Should we have any difficulties finding your records, we will contact you for more specific information to aid us in our search. You can also call our parish office (718) 295-6800 for more information.

We ask for a $15 donation in order to cover the costs associated with the request.

You may send a check or money order to the parish, or pay with either of the two online options below.

You may send a check made out to “St. Nicholas of Tolentine Church” to the church address, or pay with either online option below.

St. Nicholas of Tolentine Church
2345 University Avenue
Bronx, New York 10468



or PayPal